Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I drove over to Rock Creek today and ran(read: jogged) a couple of miles. I didnt wear a watch and I have no idea how fast(slow) I was running or the total distance. I drove over because I figured less people would see me running if i was in the park versus a busy street. Maybe its just me, but being really out of shape has made really weird about running in the public, as if the general public is going to point out that I am really slow.
I will probably run with the store group tomorrow, that way I can make sure I keep the race controlled and I will be able to go a little further than today.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Update 5/10

Today was my first day back at work after surgery. They said I should take a week off of work but I decided to go back a couple days after and it was actually not that bad. I ended up not having to taking any of the heavy painkillers, only two advil were needed to make it through the day. I definitely still had the heavy stuff in my system as I wanted to sleep for most of the day, but I made it through 8+ hours successfully.
Overall, I felt the best today by than I have felt since Wednesday. I wasnt sure what to expect as yesterday was the second most painful day after the day of the operation. I think work was good because I was in such a small area, but things changed whenever I would leave the store. I walked to get some food and realized I couldnt help but walk hunched over with my ass sticking out. I am sure it looks pretty ridiculous, but it feels pretty good.
I will say that I have an itch for running, but I am still not in any rush to get back out there. The main reason I am getting the burning desire to run is because I am feeling a lot better than I thought I would be feeling. Who knows, maybe months from now I will be complaining about still being in pain.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Post Op

Well its May 7th and I am still alive. The surgery is over and it will probably be some time before I see how well it really went. I have a follow up a week from now, so I can talk with the doctor a little bit more about it. I ended up having both sides worked on which is good because I have heard of some people getting one side worked on and then having the other side give them problems later on. In addition to the work on the pelvic floor, I also a received a shot of steroids in both left and right groin, which hopefully will help me get back out there quicker. I am not in a super rush after all the time I have taken off over the last two years, I am just going to take things as the come. Two years ago, I took off for periods of 5 week, 4 weeks, and then a couple months without even doing a couple miles, so however long now wont be an issue.
I am going to try and chronicle the recovery period, so that maybe people deal with this injury later on can get an idea of the recovery process.
As of now I am in pain! Not out of the world pain, but if I do anything to work my abs -- such as bend over or move in bed -- the pain jumps to about an 8 out of 10. I have a prescription for percocet(sp?), so hopefully that will make the recovery process a little bit more pleasurable.
There are a million things to write about, so I will try and post the occasional blog when something arises or returns to my brain. I will say I overheard my roommate say he saw Randy Moss when I was still in a daze. I am not sure why Randy Moss was in a hospital Philadelphia, but I am sure it was more about business than pleasure.

More updates to come....