Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Had a great week of training last week. I got in 64 miles, two high quality days in addition to a moderate quality day.
I met up with a group and did 8 x 1k with 400m recovery in 3:03. It was great to back into pack of runners around the track. It made a big difference for my confidence to finish up the workout with a few K's at or just under 3 minutes.
70 minute run at a moderate pace (6:08). This was on a fairly hill route and I would imagine a flatter course would have been more around 5:45 pace.
5 mile race on a very fast (short?) course. Less than a week after barely breaking 26 for 8k, I managed to run 25:17 for a full 5. For now, I will say I am in 25:17 shape and try to improve my fitness week by week.