Thursday, April 5, 2007

Belief Pt. 2

I read an article on cnn that had some interesting questions. For example, what is the meaning of life? Thats a damn good question and I cant give the exact answer. I have never really pondered the question much at all simply because if there is a meaning then it will be shown to me clearly. Until then I have set out some guidelines to live by. First off, I try and do good things. Its a simple concept, and it usually has a positive outcome. Im not sure why anybody else would want to have a life driven by doing evil. After that, I try and put forth an effort to try and see everybody around me happy. So sometimes, actually a lot of times this requires me to put others before myself. If I can try and make people happy and frequently do good things, that I am fine with not really having any specific meaning to my life.
Another question that I found interesting was the question "If the universe had a beginning, then who created it?" I used to ponder this question myself until I thought about how it is a question which any answer will just lead to another question. For example, if you answer God then you cannot just leave it at that. By leaving it at that you are skipping over the question who created God? For me its hard to believe that God has just always existed because it goes beyond our realm of thought. We have an accepted belief system that everything has a beginning and an end. Well this means that for us to believe that something has just always existed we have to create a new belief system just to simply answer a question that really has no answer within our accepted understanding of how everything works.
I know I am throwing around terms and making generalizations about how everything works, but I want somebody to show me something besides God that does not have a beginning and an ending.

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