Monday, September 22, 2008


I think most runners, no matter how intelligent, struggle with taking an unplanned day off. I had been fighting it for awhile now, but I have finally decided to let my body recover for a day or two before I get back into building up. I have been dealing with some minor plantar pain recently, so I am resting now to let that recover.
I did a tempo run yesterday as part of an 8k and timed my arrival to the race poorly. As a result, I did not get a chance to warmup, so the tempo was more of a waste than anything. I ended up running 28:30 for 8k feeling tight for pretty much the entire thing.
I am unsure if I will do a threshold workout this week to make up for it or not, but if I am feeling better as the week goes on, I will probably do a workout.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Long Run

I had the day off, so I decided to head out to Great Falls, more specifically Difficult Run. A few easy days and some nice weather led me to to push it a little bit. I ended up going farther and faster than i have in the current buildup. Before the run, I decided to go 80-85 minutes and hopefully get in 13. I decided during the run, as I approached the 5 mile mark, I would just go for 13. I hit 5 in 32 minutes and picked it up once i hit the flats and turned around in 41:15. I probably got a little too aggressive and am feeling the run all throughout my body as I am writing this.
Easy days to follow.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I finished the week with a little over 10 miles for my long run on a hot and humid morning. The past few days I have felt fairly flat and have just been getting the miles in rather than worrying about pace. Even feeling flat, I still felt like I have been getting more and more fit everyday. I ended up with just over 43 miles in 6 days for the week.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

49 point

I managed to get in between 49 and 50 miles for the week. All the miles were controlled as no workouts were planned for the week. I will say that 50 was a noticeable jump from 45 and as a result took monday off from running. I remember last summer too clearly to back and forth and up and down with miles and intensity.
I will probably put off all workouts until next week and hopefully get in 45 easy miles for the week, with a goal of getting a workout in the following week and racing a 5k or 8k the following week.

Monday, September 1, 2008


I did pretty much the same this week as I did the week before. 7 days and 45 miles. Next week 50...