Monday, September 22, 2008


I think most runners, no matter how intelligent, struggle with taking an unplanned day off. I had been fighting it for awhile now, but I have finally decided to let my body recover for a day or two before I get back into building up. I have been dealing with some minor plantar pain recently, so I am resting now to let that recover.
I did a tempo run yesterday as part of an 8k and timed my arrival to the race poorly. As a result, I did not get a chance to warmup, so the tempo was more of a waste than anything. I ended up running 28:30 for 8k feeling tight for pretty much the entire thing.
I am unsure if I will do a threshold workout this week to make up for it or not, but if I am feeling better as the week goes on, I will probably do a workout.

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