Tuesday, September 4, 2007


I headed out to my favorite W&OD trail to do a tempo this afternoon. I was originally going to do 6 miles with 3 at 5:30, 2, at 5:10, and 1 fast but I had been pondering switching it up so I wouldnt beat my legs up after Sundays effort. I didnt write anything about yesterday but Sunday really took its toll on me so I wanted to leave today completely up in the air.

At the last second I convinced myself to do a 30 minute tempo, this way I wouldnt build up too much lactic acid in the last mile. This was needed because of Sunday and because I have another workout in two days and a race in four. The pace was to be the same as the 6 miler but I would just do whatever the last few minutes.

I ended up running 5.6 miles in 30 minutes(5:21 pace). I am really happy with the effort because I was dealing with stomach issues during the run and a nice side stitch during the second half. The effort was fairly controlled thanks to the 30 minute idea.

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