Sunday, May 27, 2007


I ran a rough 15 miles this morning. The first couple miles were a little rough because of stomach pains but I ended up getting through that without much trouble. The next few miles until I turned around at 7.5, I felt great. Then somewhere between 6 and 6.5 to go, I started feeling a little off. From about the 6 to go, I knew there was an inevitable wall coming. At this point, I just started running from one half mile marker to the next without putting out too much effort and at the same time making a concentrated effort to keep the pace decent.
As I concentrated on making it to the next half mile marker, I started to struggle without breaking down. I stopped at every water fountain in hopes that hydrating might help a little (3 water breaks total). Finally the wall arrived with 2 miles to go. At that point, I just ran and didnt think about much else. It got to the point where I couldnt even really feel my legs and they just kind of moved on their own.
I still managed to get in 15 for the day under 6:20 pace, which isnt bad considering how bad I fell apart on the second half of the run.

Miles for the week: 66

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