Thursday, May 17, 2007

Custis 10...5/17

Ive been thinking about the fact that I didnt have a 10 mile run yet for the area. I mean I could run out and back on the W&OD but that wouldnt be anything special. I guess running out back on the custis trail is somehow much more exciting.
Todays run involved running to the end of the custis trail and then running for about a minute on the W&OD (its nice the two trails connect). I ended up going out on the 4 miles of trail in 26 flat and coming back in just under 24, with the total 10 just under 62 minutes. I was really happy with the run because running 6:15s on custis is similar to getting under 6 on a flatter trail.

The previous day I ran about 8, so the last two days have gone fairly well. I did get a little groin pain in the last few miles of todays run, but it was nothing that really slowed me down. Who knows what the run for tomorrow will end up being. I do know that it will be flatter and it will be in the district.

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